Established as Heiwa Oil & Fat Industries Co., Ltd.
(December 13) Capital: 2 million yen
Originally a margarine manufacturing plant designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with all products being delivered to the Ministry.

Changed company name to Rokko Butter Co., Ltd.
Used cheese raw materials imported from Australia to produce processed cheese. Launched nationally in Japan under the QBB brand.

Reached agreement with Mitsubishi Corporation, significantly expanding sales network for cheese products.
Developed and launched sales of world’s first stick cheese product.
Constructed new Akashi Factory to expand processed cheese production.

Constructed new Inami Factory in the Kako District of Hyogo Prefecture.
Completed expansion of Inami Factory.
New facilities feature production capacity of 1,000 tons per month.

First to develop and launch sales of individually wrapped sliced cheese in Japan.
Launched QBB nuts to engage in the nuts market.
Established Rokko Foods Co., Ltd. with 20 million yen in capital.
Launched in-house production of nuts.
Developed and launched sales of QBB non-baked cheese cake.
Constructed new Kasai Factory for the production of chilled desserts.

Non-baked cheese cake, sliced cheese, and Pokotto Cheese awarded Gold Prize at the 24th Monde Selection held in Madrid.

Developed and launched sales of baked cheese cake.
Reached import and distribution agreement with Lindt & Sprüngli in Switzerland to sell their chocolate products in Japan.
Acquired and began operations at Nagano Factory to expand cheese production structure.

Constructed new No. 5 plant on Inami Factory grounds to expand cheese production structure.

Partnered on renovations to the Kobe Municipal Rokko Pasture Cheese House and reopened as the Rokko QBB Cheese House.
Constructed new Kobe Factory to expand cheese production structure.